Jalava, Pertti: Diptyykki, Maa kantaa – ihminen kaivaa


From 2nd score: 0.52 € /copy

Jalava, Pertti: Diptyykki, Maa kantaa – ihminen kaivaa


From 2nd score: 0.52 € /copy
Title of the work Diptyykki, Maa kantaa - ihminen kaivaa
Translation in English Diptych, Earth Carries – Man Digs
First words Maa kantaa kivien painon - Maata kaivakaa, maa paisuva
Subtitle ORTUS New Music Festival 2017, New York
Performance marking Largo - Andante con moto
Year of composing 2005
Number of bars 103
Duration 6:30
Poet / Collection Salakka, Hannu, Archeological findings in Turku by Turku University
Poets years of life 1955-2003
Year of writing 1989
Language Finnish
Division of parts SSAATTBB
Number of voices 8
Solo voices No
Instruments Yes
Name of the instrument Nature's percussions, Sand paper
Style Contemporary
Subject area Environment, Human remains, Archeology, Earth
1st performance 9.6.2006 by Chamber Choir Tritonus / Markus Yli-Jokipii
Recordings Spotify

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