Honkanen, Osmo: Pieni sielunmessu (SAB)


From 2nd score: 0.79 € /copy

Honkanen, Osmo: Pieni sielunmessu (SAB)


From 2nd score: 0.79 € /copy
Title of the work Pieni sielunmessu
Translation in English Small requiem
First words Anna heille iankaikkinen leposi
Subtitle Requiem: 1. Introitus, 2. Graduaali, 3. Tractus, 4. Offertorio, 5. Lux aeterna, 6.Libera
Performance marking Tranquillo, 1/4=56
Number of bars 220
Duration 12:00
Poet / Collection Requiem Mass
Language Finnish
Division of parts SAB
Number of voices 3
Solo voices Yes
Solos Soprano
Instruments No
Style Contemporary, Sacred
Subject area Death, Soul

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