Gillet, Jean-Luc: Sotto Voce


From 2nd score: 0.20 € /copy

Gillet, Jean-Luc: Sotto Voce


From 2nd score: 0.20 € /copy
Title of the work Sotto Voce
Translation in English Whisper
First words Le bonheur est un oiseau
Subtitle For three solo voices
Performance marking Lent (Slowly) 1/4=42-44
Year of composing 2017
Number of bars 37
Duration 3:00
Poet / Collection Siefert, Louisa
Poets years of life 1845-1877
Year of writing 1870
Language French
Division of parts SMezA
Number of voices 3
Solo voices Yes
Solos Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Alto
Instruments No
Style Contemporary
Subject area Birds, Happiness

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